Author Archives: Charlotte

Meeting 06

Meeting arranged for 12pm Monday 14th Jan to finalise presentation and work for deadline on Wednesday 16th Jan.


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Custom Buttons in Unity


These are the buttons in Unity, need to work out how to not have the white background – I’m sure it will just be a Photoshop setting that needs changing.

Buttons working with this code (Tutorial):

var normalTex : Texture2D;
  1. var hoverTex : Texture2D;
  2. function OnMouseEnter () {
  3.  guiTexture.texture = hoverTex;
  4. }
  5. function OnMouseExit(){
  6.  guiTexture.texture = normalTex;
  7. }
  8. function OnMouseDown(){
  9.  Debug.Log(“clicked”);
  10. }

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Gamemaker Prototype


Finally got the score working, also clicks and background music (although it needs changing)

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Custom Designed Buttons (For Unity)


Made the buttons in Photoshop so they can be imported into Unity for use in the GUI. These buttons are the ‘Hover’ buttons, so the user knows which button they are hovering over.

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Custom designed buttons (for Unity)


Made the buttons in Photoshop so they can be imported into Unity for use in the GUI. These buttons are what comes up on the start page.

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Meeting 05

Meeting arranged for Thursday 20th December 4pm to recap on progress and work out tasks to be completed for over Christmas in line with deadline on Wednesday 16th Jan 2pm.

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Meeting 04

Meeting arranged for Tuesday 4th December 12pm to recap on progress and next tasks.

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Research – Smart Floors


Screen grab of initial research into smart floors


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Gamemaker Prototype


So far the ball bounces against the sides without going out of the area.

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Gamermaker Prototype


Ball now moves in all directions, bouncing off the walls and moving somewhere new when the mouse clicks on it.

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