Monthly Archives: November 2012

Meeting 04

Meeting arranged for Tuesday 4th December 12pm to recap on progress and next tasks.

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Activity Games Research


Activity Games research into existing software and hardware catered towards the sports side of games, and relevant to our interactive game.

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Research – Smart Floors


Screen grab of initial research into smart floors


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Gamemaker Prototype


So far the ball bounces against the sides without going out of the area.

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Gamermaker Prototype


Ball now moves in all directions, bouncing off the walls and moving somewhere new when the mouse clicks on it.

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Animating in Unity

Had a look at animating in Unity for the movement of the markers etc.

– Found that there is a timeline like 3DS Max that allows you to place key frames which i guess we are all familiar with.

– In order to first animate in the timeline you must press the record button to record the transformations.

Also had a look at GUI Menus in Unity but it didnt work as shown in the tutorials for some reason…

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Meeting 03

Meeting arranged for Thursday 22nd November 12pm to recap on progress and organise next tasks.

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Gamemaker Tutorial 2

Attempting a second Gamemaker tutorial. It is a bit harder than the 1st one but so far so good.


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Movement Code

I’ve found this link to a snippet of code with random movement in Flash using ActionScript 3.0

I’m sure I could modify it to start a flash prototype of the game!

We’d need to stop it from bouncing off the sides, and somehow figure out how to change the speed etc but hopefully it wont be too tough.

Not too sure if you can convert AS3 into something Unity can use but I’ll look into that too. 🙂

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by | November 14, 2012 · 2:07 pm

An early in-game example…

An early in-game example...

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by | November 13, 2012 · 11:43 am